The Azure Sea of an alien tongue

  The Azure Sea of an alien tongue Lures the perpetual orphan in me Me who had never been happy or young Always suppressed and never free One who is always betrayed and abused One who’s been abandoned, alone One, never loved, and one, always used I have so aged but alas never grown Never […]


in the gazebo by Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak (for my Mother Danuta in Heaven) a warm September day, the thirteenth, your birthday, Mom smell of coffee on the terrace sun is frolicking in the asters there is a pergola in the middle of the orchard entwined with wild ivy you […]

All Days Seem Same

All days seem the same by Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak The outside world is waiting to be healed but blinds cover the windows and pain clings like a demon with sharp claws and the way out is like the Way of the Cross. On the threshold the pain stumbles over despair and […]