American poetry. Poetry from the United States.  Poetry from the USA 
Thomas Hart Benton., Томас Гарт Бентон, из серии Америка сегодня, America today, around 1922, the Metropolitan Museum of Art
American poetry. Poetry from the United States.  Poetry from the USA

American poetry, USA poetry, American poets, US poets, American poetry tradition, classic American poets of all genres of historical and contemporary poets from the United States, America in the poem and the poem of America, American poetic heritage from all states of the United States.

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Thomas Hart Benton, Achelous and Hercules, a 1947 mural made for a Kansas City department store, now at the Smithsonian American Art Museum

Poetry by subject. 


American poetry, USA poetry, American poets, US poets, American poetry tradition, classic American poets of all genres of historical and contemporary poets from the United States, America in the poem and the poem of America, American poetic heritage from all states of the United States.