Marsh Hymns by Sidney Lanier

Marsh Hymns by Sidney Lanier Between Dawn and Sunrise. Were silver pink, and had a soul, Which soul were shy, which shyness might A visible influence be, and roll Through heaven and earth — ’twere thou, O light! O rhapsody of the wraith of red, O blush but yet in prophecy, O sun-hint that hath […]

Laus Mariae by Sidney Lanier

Laus Mariae by Sidney Lanier Across the brook of Time man leaping goes On stepping-stones of epochs, that uprise Fixed, memorable, midst broad shallow flows Of neutrals, kill-times, sleeps, indifferencies. So twixt each morn and night rise salient heaps: Some cross with but a zigzag, jaded pace From meal to meal: some with convulsive leaps […]

Laughter In The Senate by Sidney Lanier

Laughter In The Senate by Sidney Lanier In the South lies a lonesome, hungry Land; He huddles his rags with a cripple’s hand; He mutters, prone on the barren sand, What time his heart is breaking. He lifts his bare head from the ground; He listens through the gloom around: The winds have brought him […]

Jones’s Porvate Argyment by Sidney Lanier

Jones’s Porvate Argyment by Sidney Lanier That air same Jones, which lived in Jones, He had this pint about him: He’d swear with a hundred sighs and groans, That farmers MUST stop gittin’ loans, And git along without ’em: That bankers, warehousemen, and sich Was fatt’nin’ on the planter, And Tennessy was rotten-rich A-raisin’ meat […]

In The Foam. by Sidney Lanier

In The Foam. by Sidney Lanier Life swelleth in a whitening wave, And dasheth thee and me apart. I sweep out seaward: — be thou brave. And reach the shore, Sweetheart. Beat back the backward-thrusting sea. Thy weak white arm his blows may thwart, Christ buffet the wild surge for thee Till thou’rt ashore, Sweetheart. […]

From The Flats. by Sidney Lanier

From The Flats. by Sidney Lanier What heartache — ne’er a hill! Inexorable, vapid, vague and chill The drear sand-levels drain my spirit low. With one poor word they tell me all they know; Whereat their stupid tongues, to tease my pain, Do drawl it o’er again and o’er again. They hurt my heart with […]

Control by Sidney Lanier

Control by Sidney Lanier O Hunger, Hunger, I will harness thee And make thee harrow all my spirit’s glebe. Of old the blind bard Herve sang so sweet He made a wolf to plow his land. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry […]

Barnacles by Sidney Lanier

Barnacles by Sidney Lanier My soul is sailing through the sea, But the Past is heavy and hindereth me. The Past hath crusted cumbrous shells That hold the flesh of cold sea-mells About my soul. The huge waves wash, the high waves roll, Each barnacle clingeth and worketh dole And hindereth me from sailing! Old […]

Baby Charley. by Sidney Lanier

Baby Charley. by Sidney Lanier He’s fast asleep. See how, O Wife, Night’s finger on the lip of life Bids whist the tongue, so prattle-rife, Of busy Baby Charley. One arm stretched backward round his head, Five little toes from out the bed Just showing, like five rosebuds red, — So slumbers Baby Charley. Heaven-lights, […]

A Sunrise Song. by Sidney Lanier

A Sunrise Song. by Sidney Lanier Young palmer sun, that to these shining sands Pourest thy pilgrim’s tale, discoursing still Thy silver passages of sacred lands, With news of Sepulchre and Dolorous Hill, Canst thou be he that, yester-sunset warm, Purple with Paynim rage and wrack desire, Dashed ravening out of a dusty lair of […]

A Florida Ghost. by Sidney Lanier

A Florida Ghost. by Sidney Lanier Down mildest shores of milk-white sand, By cape and fair Floridian bay, Twixt billowy pines — a surf asleep on land — And the great Gulf at play, Past far-off palms that filmed to nought, Or in and out the cunning keys That laced the land like fragile patterns […]

Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell

Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell 1 Ye Mariners of England 2 That guard our native seas, 3 Whose flag has braved, a thousand years, 4 The battle and the breeze– 5 Your glorious standard launch again 6 To match another foe! 7 And sweep through the deep, 8 While the stormy winds do […]

The Last Man by Thomas Campbell

The Last Man by Thomas Campbell All worldly shapes shall melt in gloom, The Sun himself must die, Before this mortal shall assume Its Immortality! I saw a vision in my sleep That gave my spirit strength to sweep Adown the gulf of Time! I saw the last of human mould, That shall Creation’s death […]

Ode to Winter by Thomas Campbell

Ode to Winter by Thomas Campbell When first the fiery-mantled sun His heavenly race begun to run; Round the earth and ocean blue, His children four the Seasons flew. First, in green apparel dancing, The young Spring smiled with angel grace; Rosy summer next advancing, Rushed into her sire’s embrace:- Her blue-haired sire, who bade […]

Hohenlinden by Thomas Campbell

Hohenlinden by Thomas Campbell 1 On Linden, when the sun was low, 2 All bloodless lay the untrodden snow, 3 And dark as winter was the flow 4 Of Iser, rolling rapidly. 5 But Linden saw another sight 6 When the drum beat at dead of night, 7 Commanding fires of death to light 8 […]

Benlomond by Thomas Campbell

Benlomond by Thomas Campbell Hadst thou a genius on thy peak, What tales, white-headed Ben, Could’st thou of ancient ages speak, That mock th’ historian’s pen! Thy long duration makes our livea Seem but so many hours; And likens, to the bees’ frail hives, Our most stupendous towers. Temples and towers thou seest begun, New […]

On Catullus by Walter Savage Landor

On Catullus by Walter Savage Landor Tell me not what too well I know About the bard of Sirmio. Yes, in Thalia’s son Such stains there are—as when a Grace Sprinkles another’s laughing face With nectar, and runs on. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic […]

Corinna, from Athens, to Tanagra by Walter Savage Landor

Corinna, from Athens, to Tanagra by Walter Savage Landor Tanagra! think not I forget Thy beautifully-storey’d streets; Be sure my memory bathes yet In clear Thermodon, and yet greets The blythe and liberal shepherd boy, Whose sunny bosom swells with joy When we accept his matted rushes Upheaved with sylvan fruit; away he bounds, and […]

Ianthe! You are Call’d to Cross the Sea by Walter Savage Landor

Ianthe! You are Call’d to Cross the Sea by Walter Savage Landor Ianthe! you are call’d to cross the sea! A path forbidden me! Remember, while the Sun his blessing sheds Upon the mountain-heads, How often we have watcht him laying down His brow, and dropt our own Against each other’s, and how faint and […]

Mother, I cannot mind my Wheel by Walter Savage Landor

Mother, I cannot mind my Wheel by Walter Savage Landor MOTHER, I cannot mind my wheel; My fingers ache, my lips are dry: O, if you felt the pain I feel! But O, who ever felt as I? No longer could I doubt him true– All other men may use deceit; He always said my […]

Ianthe by Walter Savage Landor

Ianthe by Walter Savage Landor From you, Ianthe, little troubles pass Like little ripples down a sunny river; Your pleasures spring like daisies in the grass, Cut down, and up again as blithe as ever. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster […]

Child of a Day by Walter Savage Landor

Child of a Day by Walter Savage Landor Child of a day, thou knowest not The tears that overflow thy urn, The gushing eyes that read thy lot, Nor, if thou knewest, couldst return! And why the wish! the pure and blest Watch like thy mother o’er thy sleep. O peaceful night! O envied rest! […]

Late Leaves by Walter Savage Landor

Late Leaves by Walter Savage Landor THE leaves are falling; so am I; The few late flowers have moisture in the eye; So have I too. Scarcely on any bough is heard Joyous, or even unjoyous, bird The whole wood through. Winter may come: he brings but nigher His circle (yearly narrowing) to the fire […]

On An Eclipse Of The Moon by Walter Savage Landor

On An Eclipse Of The Moon by Walter Savage Landor Struggling, and faint, and fainter didst thou wane, O Moon! and round thee all thy starry train Came forth to help thee, with half-open eyes, And trembled every one with still surprise, That the black Spectre should have dared assail Their beauteous queen and seize […]

Mild is the Parting Year by Walter Savage Landor

Mild is the Parting Year by Walter Savage Landor Mild is the parting year, and sweet The odour of the falling spray; Life passes on more rudely fleet, And balmless is its closing day. I wait its close, I court its gloom, But mourn that never must there fall Or on my breast or on […]

I Entreat You, Alfred Tennyson by Walter Savage Landor

I Entreat You, Alfred Tennyson by Walter Savage Landor I entreat you, Alfred Tennyson, Come and share my haunch of venison. I have too a bin of claret, Good, but better when you share it. Tho’ ’tis only a small bin, There’s a stock of it within. And as sure as I’m a rhymer, Half […]

Death Stands Above Me, Whispering Low by Walter Savage Landor

Death Stands Above Me, Whispering Low by Walter Savage Landor Death stands above me, whispering low I know not what into my ear: Of his strange language all I know Is, there is not a word of fear. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and […]

God Scatters Beauty by Walter Savage Landor

God Scatters Beauty by Walter Savage Landor God scatters beauty as he scatters flowers O’er the wide earth, and tells us all are ours. A hundred lights in every temple burn, And at each shrine I bend my knee in turn. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems […]

Remain! by Walter Savage Landor

Remain! by Walter Savage Landor REMAIN, ah not in youth alone! –Tho’ youth, where you are, long will stay– But when my summer days are gone, And my autumnal haste away. ‘Can I be always by your side?’ No; but the hours you can, you must, Nor rise at Death’s approaching stride, Nor go when […]

Absence by Walter Savage Landor

Absence by Walter Savage Landor HERE, ever since you went abroad, If there be change no change I see: I only walk our wonted road, The road is only walk’d by me. Yes; I forgot; a change there is– Was it of that you bade me tell? I catch at times, at times I miss […]

Dirce by Walter Savage Landor

Dirce by Walter Savage Landor Stand close around, ye Stygian set, With Dirce in one boat conveyed, Or Charon, seeing, may forget That he is old and she a shade. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of […]

Autumn by Walter Savage Landor

Autumn by Walter Savage Landor MILD is the parting year, and sweet The odour of the falling spray; Life passes on more rudely fleet, And balmless is its closing day. I wait its close, I court its gloom, But mourn that never must there fall Or on my breast or on my tomb The tear […]

On His Eightieth Birthday by Walter Savage Landor

On His Eightieth Birthday by Walter Savage Landor To my ninth decade I have tottered on, And no soft arm bends now my steps to steady; She, who once led me where she would, is gone, So when he calls me, Death shall find me ready. ————— The End And that’s the End of the […]

Lately our poets by Walter Savage Landor

Lately our poets by Walter Savage Landor Lately our poets loiter’d in green lanes, Content to catch the ballads of the plains; I fancied I had strength enough to climb A loftier station at no distant time, And might securely from intrusion doze Upon the flowers thro’ which Ilissus flows. In those pale olive grounds […]

Ianthe’s Question by Walter Savage Landor

Ianthe’s Question by Walter Savage Landor ‘Do you remember me? or are you proud?’ Lightly advancing thro’ her star-trimm’d crowd, Ianthe said, and look’d into my eyes. ‘A yes, a yes to both: for Memory Where you but once have been must ever be, And at your voice Pride from his throne must rise.’ ————— […]