

A Poem about Facebook by Fledermaus


Facebook is neither a book nor a face
Facebook is type of a disease
A plague of sorts, and a disgrace
A vast cesspool of filth and sleaze

Facebook is a defeat of human spirit
Facebook deprives you of your face
Of soul, of dignity, of feelings
It is a curse upon the human race

Facebook is a misinformation pool
Where the Deep State’s evil censors dwell
Facebook is the refuge of a fool
With intelligence of a dead sperm cell

Facebook is run by the Satanic tribe
Its denizens are also a mad crowd
And it’s not easy to describe
Its harm (besides it’s not allowed)

Protect yourself and save your kids
And stay away from Facebook
Don’t pay for Evil’s nasty deeds
Don’t be a victim on the hook



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Facebook poem. Facebook poetry and poetry about Facebook, in a way a rare genre but here is a specimen of it.  What is it, the meaning of it, the use of it, if any. What role Facebook plays in your life? None in mine.