The Silver Moon by Sappho

The silver moon is set; The Pleiades are gone; Half the long night is spent, and yet I lie alone. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic […]

Sappho To Her Girlfriends by Sappho

This is my song of maidens dear to me. Eranna, a slight girl I counted thee, When first I looked upon thy form and face, Slim as a reed, and all devoid of grace. But stately stature, grace and beauty came Unto thee with the years – O, dost not shame For this, Eranna, that […]

To One who Loved not Poetry by Sappho

THOU liest dead, and there will be no memory left behind Of thee or thine in all the earth, for never didst thou bind The roses of Pierian streams upon thy brow; thy doom Is now to flit with unknown ghosts in cold and nameless gloom. ————— The End And that’s the End of the […]

On The Tomb Of A Priestess Of Artemis by Sappho

Voiceless I speak, and from the tomb reply Unto Æthopia, Leto’s child, was I Vowed by the daughter of Hermocleides, Who was the son of Saonaïades. O virgin queen, unto my prayer incline, Bless him and cast thy blessing on our line. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. […]

Of course I love you by Sappho

Of course I love you but if you love me, marry a young woman! I couldn’t stand it to live with a young man, I being older ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry […]

Ode To A Loved One by Sappho

Blest as the immortal gods is he, The youth who fondly sits by thee, And hears and sees thee, all the while, Softly speaks and sweetly smile. ‘Twas this deprived my soul of rest, And raised such tumults in my breast; For, while I gazed, in transport tossed, My breath was gone, my voice was […]

My Garden by Sappho

I’ve a garden, a garden of dreams, Where the cool breeze whispering sways Softly the apple-sprays, And from leaves that shimmer and quiver Down on mine eyelids streams A slumber-river. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of […]

Mother, I Cannot Mind My Wheel by Sappho

Mother, I cannot mind my wheel; My fingers ache, my lips are dry; Oh! if you felt the pain I feel! But oh, who ever felt as I! ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. […]

Loneliness by Sappho

Set are the Pleiades; the Moon is down And midnight dark on high. The hours, the hours, drift by, And here I lie, Alone ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the […]

Leto and Niobe by Sappho

Before they were mothers Leto and Niobe had been the most devoted of friends ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic works. Here you’ll find original poems, […]

It’s no use by Sappho

It’s no use Mother dear, I can’t finish my weaving You may blame Aphrodite soft as she is she has almost killed me with love for that boy ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. […]

It was you, Atthis, who said by Sappho

It was you, Atthis, who said “Sappho, if you will not get up and let us look at you I shall never love you again! “Get up, unleash your suppleness, lift off your Chian nightdress and, like a lily leaning into “a spring, bathe in the water. Cleis is bringing your best purple frock and […]

It is the Muses by Sappho

It is the Muses who have caused me to be honored: they taught me their craft ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic works. Here you’ll find […]

It is the Muses by Sappho

It is the Muses who have caused me to be honored: they taught me their craft ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic works. Here you’ll find […]

I took my lyre and said by Sappho

I took my lyre and said: Come now, my heavenly tortoise shell: become a speaking instrument ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic works. Here you’ll find […]

I have no complaint by Sappho

I have no complaint prosperity that the golden Muses gave me was no delusion: dead, I won’t be forgotten ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic works. […]

Hymn To Aphrodite by Sappho

Throned in splendor, immortal Aphrodite! Child of Zeus, Enchantress, I implore thee Slay me not in this distress and anguish, Lady of beauty. Hither come as once before thou camest, When from afar thou heard’st my voice lamenting, Heard’st and camest, leaving thy glorious father’s Palace golden, Yoking thy chariot. Fair the doves that bore […]

Hesperus The Bringer by Sappho

O Hesperus, thou bringest all good things– Home to the weary, to the hungry cheer, To the young bird the parent’s brooding wings, The welcome stall to the o’erlabored steer; Whate’er our household gods protect of dear, Are gathered round us by thy look of rest; Thou bring’st the child too to its mother’s breast. […]

He is more than a hero by Sappho

He is more than a hero he is a god in my eyes- the man who is allowed to sit beside you – he who listens intimately to the sweet murmur of your voice, the enticing laughter that makes my own heart beat fast. If I meet you suddenly, I can’t speak – my tongue […]

He is more than a hero by Sappho

He is more than a hero he is a god in my eyes- the man who is allowed to sit beside you – he who listens intimately to the sweet murmur of your voice, the enticing laughter that makes my own heart beat fast. If I meet you suddenly, I can’t speak – my tongue […]

Grace by Sappho

What country maiden charms thy heart, However fair, however sweet, Who has not learned by gracious Art To draw her dress around her feet? ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the […]

Like the gods. . . by Sappho

In my eyes he matches the gods, that man who sits there facing you-any man whatever- listening from closeby to the sweetness of your voice as you talk, the sweetness of your laughter: yes, that-I swear it- sets the heart to shaking inside my breast, since once I look at you for a moment, I […]

To A Girl In A Garden by Sappho

O soft and dainty maiden, from afar I watch you, as amidst the flowers you move, And pluck them, singing. More golden than all gold your tresses are: Never was harp-note like your voice, my love, Your voice sweet-ringing. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic […]

Evening by Sappho

Children astray to their mothers, and goats to the herd, Sheep to the shepherd, through twilight the wings of the bird, All things that morning has scattered with fingers of gold, All things thou bringest, O Evening! at last to the fold. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. […]

Drapple-thorned Aphrodite, by Sappho

Dapple-throned Aphrodite, eternal daughter of God, snare-knitter! Don’t, I beg you, cow my heart with grief! Come, as once when you heard my far- off cry and, listening, stepped from your father’s house to your gold car, to yoke the pair whose beautiful thick-feathered wings oaring down mid-air from heaven carried you to light swiftly […]

Dica by Sappho

With flowers fair adorn thy lustrous hair, Dica, amidst thy locks sweet blossoms twine, With thy soft hands, for so a maiden stands Accepted of the gods, whose eyes divine Are turned away from her–though fair as May She waits, but round whose locks no flowers shine. ————— The End And that’s the End of […]

Cyprian, in my dream by Sappho

Cyprian, in my dream the folds of a purple kerchief shadowed your cheeks — the one Timas one time sent, a timid gift, all the way from Phocaea ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. […]

Claïs by Sappho

I have a daughter, Claïs fair, Poised like a golden flower in the air, Lydian treasures her limbs outshine (Claïs, beloved one, Claïs mine!) ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the […]

Blame Aphrodite by Sappho

It’s no use Mother dear, I can’t finish my weaving You may blame Aphrodite soft as she is she has almost killed me with love for that boy ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. […]

Awed by her splendor by Sappho

Awed by her splendor stars near the lovely moon cover their own bright faces when she is roundest and lights earth with her silver ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the […]

To Aphrodite by Sappho

You know the place: then Leave Crete and come to us waiting where the grove is pleasantest, by precincts sacred to you; incense smokes on the altar, cold streams murmur through the apple branches, a young rose thicket shades the ground and quivering leaves pour down deep sleep; in meadows where horses have grown sleek […]

And their feet move by Sappho

And their feet move rhythmically, as tender feet of Cretan girls danced once around an altar of love, crushing a circle in the soft smooth flowering grass ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry […]

Anactoria by Sappho

Yes, Atthis, you may be sure Even in Sardis Anactoria will think often of us of the life we shared here, when you seemed the Goddess incarnate to her and your singing pleased her best Now among Lydian women she in her turn stands first as the red- fingered moon rising at sunset takes precedence […]

An Epithalamium by Sappho

Raise high the beams of the raftered hall, (Sing the Hymen-refrain!) Ye builders, of the bridal-dwelling! (Sing the Hymen-refrain!) Lo, the bridegroom comes, as the War-god tall – (Sing the Hymen-refrain!) Now nay – yet our tallest in stature excelling; (Sing the Hymen-refrain!) For stately he towers above all the throng As the Lesbian singer […]

Although they are by Sappho

Although they are only breath, words which I command are immortal ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic works. Here you’ll find original poems, poetry translations, ancient […]

In Adoration by Sappho

Blest as the immortal gods is he, The youth whose eyes may look on thee, Whose ears thy tongue’s sweet melody May still devour. Thou smilest too!–sweet smile, whose charm Has struck my soul with wild alarm, And, when I see thee, bids disarm Each vital power. Speechless I gaze: the flame within Runs swift […]

A Lament For Adonis by Sappho

Cytherea, thy dainty Adonis is dying! Ah, what shall we do? O Nymphs, let it echo, the voice of your crying, The greenwood through! O Forest-maidens, smite on the breast, Rend ye the delicate-woven vest! Let the wail ring wild and high: “Ah for Adonis!” cry. O Sappho, how canst thou chant the bliss Of […]

A Hymn To Venus by Sappho

O Venus, beauty of the skies, To whom a thousand temples rise, Gaily false in gentle smiles, Full of love-perplexing wiles; O goddess, from my heart remove The wasting cares and pains of love. If ever thou hast kindly heard A song in soft distress preferred, Propitious to my tuneful vow, A gentle goddess, hear […]