Spirituality of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Gerard Manley Hopkins: a shepherd poet

Gerard Manley Hopkins: a shepherd poet Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins  This piece is a virtual reprint of an article, under fair use terms, from the Democracy Now, which is inaccessible here (in the Russian Federation), no big loss as this Soros-funded and CIA-administered outfit is of little value or use, but they besides sabotage […]

John Milton As Author of Pornographic Verse: An Extempore Upon a Faggot

Did John Milton write filthy, innuendo-laden rhyme? The piece originally appeared in the Guardian, a British propagandist rag of leftish leanings. But the authorship of the poem is unknown, it was possibly written John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, and not Milton. You’ll find more poems by John Milton here as well as a short […]

Free the Holy Land — a poem about Palestine

The Jewish swine has occupied The lands of Palestine The Jewish swine offended God Defiled what is divine The Jewish swine cheats, swindles, deals Reproach to all on Earth In Palestine it rapes, burns, kills And Satan gave it birth The State of Israel must go Soil cleansed of Jewish swine So will again the […]

Did Shakespeare write his own plays and poems?

Did Shakespeare write his own plays and poems? Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” Have you ever heard that line before? If so, Juliet spoke it. It’s from one of the most famous and perhaps somewhat overrated plays in the world: Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Many people say William Shakespeare was one of the greatest […]


A Poem about Lynching   In the shadows of memory, where darkness weaves, A tale of anguish and hearts that grieve, There lies a history fraught with pain, Of lives shattered, souls scarred, and tears like rain. In the annals of time, a dark stain etched deep, A legacy of hatred, where humanity weeps, Where […]


A poem about Kimchi or Kim-chi, the Korean style sauerkraut or fermented cabbage   In fiery hues of crimson and gold, A symphony of flavors unfolds, Kimchi, the fiery heart of the east, A pungent masterpiece that never ceased. O! Fermented wonder, spicy and bold, A dance of sensations, a tale yet untold, From humble […]

A Poem about Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut In a humble pot, a fermenting delight, Lies sauerkraut, a flavor so bold and bright. Cabbage transformed, in a magical dance, Bathed in tangy brine, a culinary romance. Taste the symphony of tartness and crunch, As each bite ignites senses with a zesty punch. A humble cabbage, transformed into grace, Sauerkraut, a cultural masterpiece. […]


  In verdant fields, a humble head does grow, A tightly bound, leafy globe of green, Its form unassuming, yet we come to know That in its essence, magic can be seen. A cabbage stout, its layers hold firm and tight, A symbol of resilience, strength untold, Its presence on our tables brings delight, A […]

Joe Biden, a Ghazal

He murders children, rapes and steals, oh mad Joe Biden He serves the Zionist swine that squeals, oh bad Joe Biden He stole elections too, without shame He is a puppet of the Neocon fame, oh sad Joe Biden He started war in the Ukraine Bloodthirsty tyrant’s accursed name’s mad Joe Biden He’s sadist, deranged, […]

Ghazal by Agha Shahid Ali

Ghazal BY AGHA SHAHID ALI Feel the patient’s heart Pounding—oh please, this once— —JAMES MERRILL   I’ll do what I must if I’m bold in real time. A refugee, I’ll be paroled in real time. Cool evidence clawed off like shirts of hell-fire? A former existence untold in real time … The one you would […]

Joe Biden’s Torment

The Villanelle Of The Wine Joe Biden couldn’t stop thinking about the wine It was just so full-bodied and, unlike him, so mature Besides he stole the elections, the old swine He was a Zionist puppet of a laughable design The Swine had to calm himself with an allure Of greatness but couldn’t stop thinking […]

Insolent couplets

Look at this disgusting teacher, We’re so angry with the creature. He is screwing his own aunt With a giant ripe eggplant Who is howling near the dog? He who ate the poisonous frog. There’s a delectable Mermaid, On a wild clandestine raid. Her astral sea cat is a toy, Her other toy is a […]

An Insolent Jew

An Insolent Jew A Limerick There once was a Jew who stole. Who had an evil soul. The creature was unclean, Misanthropic and mean, And like all Jews he was an asshole.

Ode to  Wine

  Ode to Wine A Sonnet by Fledermaus My fragrant wine, you make me write. I love the way you amuse me and inspire, You screw my mind through day and night, You are the spirit of my lyre. Let me compare you to a smooth cherry? You are by far more aromatic Ice bites […]

On Beer

Be it Pilsner or IPA Drink before it’s gotten stale If the stuff is German lager Know that lager is a camp And unless you’re a beer blogger German camps tend to be quite damp And let’s be honest, frank and bold They don’t serve there apple juice Those places can even turn quite cold […]

Ode to Beer, an Irish Song

Ode to Beer D’oh, the stuff that buys me beer ray, the guy that sells me beer me, the guy who drinks the beer far, the distance from my beer so, I think I’ll have a beer la, la la la la la beer Tea, no thanks I’m drinking beer and it brings us back […]

Whose beer is that? A Poem about Beer.

  A Poem about Beer Whose beer is that? I think I know. Its owner is quite happy though. Full of joy like a vivid rainbow, I watch him laugh, and cry hello. He gives his beer a shake, And laughs until his belly aches. The only other sound’s the break, Of distant snakes and […]

An Ode to Beer

An Ode to Beer A Sonnet for the month of January, a poem about beer by Fledermausi   My joyful beer, you inspire me to write. How I love the way you set free and delight, Invading my mind both the day and night, Always dreaming about the idiosyncrasy. Let me compare you to a […]

Ancient pornography before pornography. 10 Most Shocking Sex Artifacts From The Ancient World. Amazing works of erotic art of the ancient world. 

Ancient pornography before pornography. Amazing works of erotic art of Antiquity. The material below about ancient and classical erotica is not intended for children or the faint of heart.  The selection is a bit spurious, but not is not bad. It’s arbitrary and incomplete. Many of those objects were considered too offensive for the general public […]

Sonnet to Italy by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

For thee, Ansonia! Nature’s bounteous hand, Luxuriant spreads around her blooming stores; Profusion laughs o’er all the glowing land, And softest breezes from thy myrtle-shores. Yet though for thee, unclouded suns diffuse Their genial radiance o’er thy blushing plains; Though in thy fragrant groves the sportive muse Delights to pour her wild, enchanted strains; Though […]

Flowers notebook

Picture of flowers on the notebook’s cover They are beautiful those printed flowers Violet blue with violent sparks God knows how I like to write by hand  

Letters to the Otherworld

I write letters to you though you’re in the Otherworld I type your name in the search box of the browser I know, you’ve left this sick demented world But I keep writing till I am tired, till I get drowsy I know there’ll be no response from you, because there can’t be any I […]

The Azure Sea of an alien tongue

  The Azure Sea of an alien tongue Lures the perpetual orphan in me Me who had never been happy or young Always suppressed and never free One who is always betrayed and abused One who’s been abandoned, alone One, never loved, and one, always used I have so aged but alas never grown Never […]

Happy Victory Day – May 9, 2022

Happy Victory Day – May 9, 2022 We wish all of you very a Happy Victory Day. The Nazi Germany, the predecessor of today’s European Union and of the transatlantic Fourth Reich was soundly defeated and its signed unconditional surrender in May 1945. And there should be no doubt that its’ today’s heirs and descendants, […]

Erotic comics by Hanz Kovacq, porn comic books by known illustrators – continued

Erotic comics by Hanz Kovacq, porn comic books by known illustrators Previous page   Previous page  — Continued on the next page Hilda, the BSDM and bondage vintage adult illustrations by Hanz Kovacq (Bernard Dufossé). Fair Use   . Now, if you click on the full-screen icon, and then you can view the book page by […]

Hitler, a poem about Hitler

Hitler by Fledermaus Remember Hitler? Redeeming and inspiring. He brought pure hopes of Christendom resurrected The good cause lost. So funny.

Asparagus – A Tanka Poem

Asparagus – A Tanka Poem by Fledermaus My Asparagus It is so juicy and soft. Its shameless stalks stalk Oh, indolent delicacies Devour them to feel happy

Missile – A Tanka Poem

Missile – A Tanka Poem by Fledermaus I fear my Missile It is so blazing and fast. To make a kaboom With augmented winglets flies When it laughs I feel frightened

The Language of William Dunbar

The Language of William Dunbar Maybe I should have titled this English of William of Dunbar or William Dunbar’s English, but I haven’t —  because I am unsure what exactly is the language in which William Dunbar composed his poems. Or rather, I am pretty certain that the language is English, though literary authorities claim […]

A Quick Ode to Spam, a Poem about Spam

A Poem about Spam A Quick Ode to Spam Not every sale must be a scam Not every can of canned pork Spam Besides, Spam is quite delicious Though some folks say it’s not nutritious But what a hungry morning begs Bien sûr, it begs for Spam and eggs So for the pleasure of programming […]

Ode to the Bat , a Sonnet

My angry bat, you inspire me to write. How I hate the way you abuse and scream, Invading my mind day and through the night, Always dreaming about the big maxime. Let me compare you to a quick cherry? You are more smelly, disgusting and sick. Ice bites the debris of February, And wintertime has […]


    Hellcat First a blog post and then my short poem about (the) Hellcat. [lwptoc] Hellcat, what? Here is the story. Below is a poem dedicated to the M18 tank destroyer or to the GM’s Buick Hellcat. I cringe to say it or at least to say it out loud, but when it comes […]

On Twitter

I am not a refugee from Twitter though I’ve tried it and it sucks. Besides, Twitter’s run by an evil critter. And I don’t want Twitter, not for a billion bucks. End A Poem about Twitter Related stuff: A Poem about Facebook       Poetry Monster – Home A few random poems: [arpw limit=”15″] […]

Medical Ethics

  Is Doctor’s duty to tell his patient truth? Should doctors never lie? That truth is really of no use If it makes poor patient die. More poems by Fledermaus [display-posts posts author=”fledermausi” display-posts posts_per_page=”50″ display-posts pagination=”true” ] Bat’s Poetry Cave Talking Writing Monster Batty’s Talk


Facebook A Poem about Facebook by Fledermaus   Facebook is neither a book nor a face Facebook is type of a disease A plague of sorts, and a disgrace A vast cesspool of filth and sleaze Facebook is a defeat of human spirit Facebook deprives you of your face Of soul, of dignity, of feelings […]

In Memoriam

In Memoriam   You were not human. You were better. Your gaze is unforgettable. What’s left is sorrow. Pain. This all happened so suddenly It feels so numb. So hollow Of all the questions in the universe The only one that matters is Why    Poetry Monster

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift   A Poem about Taylor Swift Despite her name She sews no clothes And that’s a real shame We’d like to expose… Her goods without a dress So who’s she? You’d tell She is no humble seamstress She’s got a lot of clientele Not Gulliver’s creator Not Lilliputians’ father And not an Irish […]

Light and Darkness

Light is light, and darkness’s dark  Until it’s pierced by an unexpected spark  And then in an explosion of delight  We see how hapless darkness turns to light.

Poetic Abbreviations, Poetry Abbreviations

  Poetic Abbreviations In the course of working on this page, I encountered a number of abbreviations, most of them, predictably enough, British, which I had to decipher. I am going to list those abbreviations and acronyms one by one, as they appear, so this may take a while before, if ever, the list is […]


Subtlety There’s one letter difference between Beating children and eating children So, feed them well to make them fatter Then, before you start to batter Coat them well in heavy batter Frying them without the latter May by some folks viewed as a sin. More poems by Fledermaus [display-posts posts author=”fledermausi” display-posts pagination=”true” display-posts posts_per_page=”50″ […]