!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Our refuge by kapardeli eftichia/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Our refuge/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by kapardeli eftichia/h2> div id=”content”> p>Forest … the big river travelsbr /> the tall trees growingbr /> refuge in the oak, the lemon blossom,br /> … the chestnuts, birchesbr /> the hornbeam, the afroxylies (trees), the almond, the beechesbr /> with trees and cherry treesbr /> hearts carved in the peelbr /> childhood memoriesbr /> hairy skins of lichensbr /> their trunks in dark dressbr /> knots in aged hulls/p> p>The leaves and branchesbr /> breathe withbr /> all the raindropsbr /> to get enoughbr /> Birds pickbr /> heart of greenbr /> after opening its wingsbr /> .. and the sun travel/p> p>Transparent sheets, change color,br /> Joined butterfly flyingbr /> when the shadow spreadsbr /> spring’s first flower sprout herebr /> and fresh footprints, silverbr /> the passage of deerbr /> Leaves, pine, dryokikidesbr /> the fruit of the beechbr /> and acorns, tangled mat …. hidden/p> p>The deep colors sleptbr /> with wet pine needles andbr /> Eucalyptus strips dressed/p> p>Forest …. That was left an orphan with no colorbr /> landscape beauty without brokenbr /> needless sounds of leaves driedbr /> logs that were forgottenbr /> the supreme simplicitybr /> Once fertility dead/p> p>Where are the trees that struggledbr /> with deciduous trunksbr /> Where are the cyclamen, which are the hyacinthbr /> the ferns and those wild cloverbr /> to lie down next to the trail … .. charmedbr /> lost sight of my leftbr /> a tangle of roots, dead …../p> p>The sun lowers in the rays of the afternoon the ghostbr /> a pathbr /> for all wildlife is left alonebr /> the sound of water strengthensbr /> lost the wild pigeons hastily sousourades (birds) and Spentzos (birds)br /> branches dead and shelter we have lost in a cloud of scorched dust wet /p> br> /body> /html>