by Alexander Russo

Two horses grazing in a distant field.

Closer up, a few leaves twisting

on a branch.

The leaves begin to take on

A strange new presence: crinkled,

stubborn face.

One resembles a monster,

paying off a bad Kharmic debt.

It groans, swaying back and forth,

like the broken hand of a pendulum.

Another, as hideous, pock-marked,

grief stricken.

The more I study them, the more faces,

festering, doomed to Limbo….

or perhaps already in Hell.

Out of nowhere a robin flits up

to the glass, flutters around, seems

partly inside, then outside the window.

I rub my eyes.

Reality …unreality?

Perhaps “reality” is perception, tricked

by colors of mind and imagination.

Alexander Russo

Copyright ©: 

Alexander Russo


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