Do You Know What It’s Like

Do you know what it’s like

To be different? To never

Feel quite right with people?

To be in a crowd and yet utterly

Alone? To wish for someone

Who understands you completely,

And come to the realisation that

No such person exists?

I do.

Do you know what it’s likeTo be a freak? To have

Everyone who sees you either

Pity you, or hate you? To receive

Funny looks every day, every hour?

To have people question everything

You say or do?

I do.

Do you know what it’s like

To be unwanted? To know

That you don’t belong anywhere?

To know that you’re nobody’s favourite,

Nobody’s best friend?

To know that, when you’re with a person,

There’s always someone he or she would

Rather be with?

I do.

Do you know what it’s like to be normal?

To be in constant worry that someone

Won’t approve of what you do, or say?

To always need the right clothes, or

The right music on the right iPod?

To never know your real friend

From that person who just wants to

Have the social status of hanging out with

Somebody normal?

I don’t.And I sure as hell never want to find out.


Alex Gross

Poetry In English
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